Thursday, 29 November 2012

How to see hidden files in mac

Show Hidden Files on your Mac

Launch the Terminal and enter these commands exactly as shown. The first command activates the ability to see the hidden files:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
Now you must relaunch finder by killing it, this is how the changes take effect:
killall Finder
If you want to hide hidden files again (those preceded with a .) and go back to the default Mac settings, you can just type the following:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
Again you will need to kill the Finder so that it can relaunch for changes to take effect:
killall Finder

SVN Commands for Mac OSX

Hello everyone, Since last few days I was struggling to add a folder to my svn branch .
And Finally .. I found a solution . So , I am sharing with you people.

1.  To add directory in svn 

   Go to terminal and in respective directory
$ mkdir directoryToCommit

$ touch directoryToCommit/test.txt

These two lines will create one directory named "directoryToCommit"  

and one empty file named "test.txt"  .

Let's import this project into the repository. Type in your terminal, by replacing 'YourServerName' with your own svn server name or IP:
$ svn import directoryToCommit 

svn://YourServerName/branches/directoryToCommit -m "testImport"

We have just imported the folder 'directoryToCommit' into the repository 'svn://YourServerName/branches/'. Each version in the repository is called a "revision" and is identified by a unique number. Always provide a short message ('-m') of the changes you made to the repository like we just did!

2.   To add retina image in svn : 
    I was facing issue related to committing retina images (default@2x.png) to svn .

This is due to internal path recognizers in SVN. It expects the last "@" symbol to specify a revision. This is easily corrected by adding an "@" symbol to the end of your file:

Example : 
             svn add default@2x.png@

3.  To Change SVN root path 

      To change svn root path in svn you have to use following command

      svn switch --relocate YOUR_OLD_SVN_URL  YOUR_NEW_SVN_URL